Makkovik was established in 1896. While the earliest photographs of the Makkovik band likely come from the late nineteenth or early twentieth centuries, the band first appears in the written record in 1939. After the forced closure of Hebron in 1959, relocated Inuit from Hebron and Nutak formed their own band, and by 1962, the Hebron-Nutak band had become the only active band in the community.1 That band was recorded during the 1960s: "What A Friend We Have in Jesus" and "Jesus, Be Our Chief Delight" can be found on Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Digital Archives Initiative. According to Joase Onalik, this band remained active in Makkovik until some time around 1982.2
1 Shmuel Ben-Dor, Makkovik: Eskimos and Settlers in a Labrador Community – A Contrastive Study in Adaptation (Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1966): 108.
2 Joase Onalik, “Nutamiongovunga / I am from Nutak,” trans. Bertha Kairtok Holeiter, Them Days 7, no. 3 (March 1982): 24.